How to Write an Effective Blog

by Robert Toscani

Posted on August 19, 2016

Write effective blogs

So, you’re a great writer. Your friends, your family, all say that you could make a living as a writer, like John Grisham or Charles Dickens; a journalist, or maybe a poet, like Edgar Allan Poe. That’s wonderful, but unfortunately, that does not necessarily make you an effective blogger. Notice that when I speak of writing, I use the word ‘great’, but when I speak of blogging, I use the word ‘effective’. That’s because blogging is a whole other art form altogether. Blogging to promote your business is not about telling a great story, it’s about giving information. Books are made for readers; blogs are made for seekers of information. As a blogger, your job is to provide the information in as brief, clear and concise a way as possible. So, here is how to achieve that. Warning, this may not be exciting, but it WILL be of value:

1) Who is your audience?
First, select the audience to whom you are writing. Just like creating an effective advertisement, the first step is to know and understand your target market.

2) What information is your chosen audience likely in need of
In other words, don’t write for you, write for them. So, if you sell cars, ask yourself what information someone in the market for a car, is likely seeking. For example, the top 5 considerations to make when buying a car, or the top 5 cars recommended for the large family.

3) Choose an effective title
There I go using the word, ‘effective’ again. Your title does not need to be exciting or mysterious. Mexican Sunrise might be a great title for a book or poem about one’s experience in Mexico, but not for a blog. Why? Because blog titles are the first thing Google looks to when matching searches to content. So, if one is searching for information on travelling to Mexico, they are not likely to enter ‘Mexican Sunrise’ as a Google search. They are more likely to enter ‘Mexico Travel’ or ‘Puerto Vallarta’ or simply ‘Mexico’. So, keep your title simple and effective, like, ‘Mexico Travel Tips’.

4) Write a relevant and strong introduction.
The next thing Google does is rate the relevance of your blog, by scanning your first one or two paragraphs, to ensure that the blog actually reflects the title. So, again, if your blog is titled, ‘Mexico Travel Tips’, your first paragraph should say something like, ‘So, you are planning a vacation to Mexico? I have been to many places in Mexico, including Puerto Vallarta, Playa del Carmen, and Los Cabos, and have a lot of great tips for you.’ Now, Google sees your title and first paragraph are consistent with one another, and increases your blog’s relevance to those searching for information on travelling to Mexico.

5) Organize your Blog Content
Just as I have done in this blog, organize and list your points, in priority, in a clear and concise manner. So, let’s say you own a French restaurant, and you post a blog titled, My Top 5 French Dishes. List them by number, describe each and explain why they are among your top 5. Simple.

6) Make sure your blog has a Call to Action
So, there was a purpose to this blog, right? It was to get people to read it. That’s it? Of course not. It’s to get people to do something AFTER they read it. Take some form of action. A Call to Action directs the reader to take the action you desire. So, in the example I provided in point 5, end your blog with a call to action, like, For more great French recipes that will impress your friends and family, click here.

7) Close the Deal
Nothing is free. When the reader clicks on the Call to Action, ask them for their name, e-mail address, and permission to send them offers and updates, in exchange for whatever you promised – more great recipes

8) Edit your blog to ensure it uses Keywords
You want people to find your blog, and not just anyone, but those looking for what you are writing about. To optimize your blog, make a list of words people would typically enter in a Google search to find the information you are offering. So, if your blog is about Mexico vacations, some keywords are, of course, Mexico, Puerto Vallarta, Playa del Carmen, Mayan, vacation, holiday, beach, all-inclusive, Spanish, etc. The list is endless. Then, strategically insert these words throughout your blog. Remember, it’s all about relevance. If Google can’t understand what your blog is about, it is less likely to rank it high in a search.

So, exciting? No. Effective? Yes! Follow these tips to blogging and you can’t go wrong. Still need help or you simply prefer to stick to writing literature? That’s where we come in. We can offer training or write effective blogs for you. Contact us to talk about your needs.


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